How to Help Keep Alberta’s Waters Healthy

Alberta’s lakes and streams are a treasured part of the province’s landscape. Many people, whether resident or visitor, use them to boat, fish or view the spectacular wildlife. The problem is that many of Alberta’s lakes and watersheds have seen a lot of land clearing and development over the years.

Large amounts of nutrients enter lakes and settle in the sediments. On top of reduced rainfall, these excess nutrients have resulted in lakes having water quality issues.

Maintaining the health of Alberta’s lakes is everyone’s responsibility, and you can be a part of this initiative too! Lake Stewardship is a great way to make sure everyone is doing their part to keep the health of our lakes in top shape. 

Here are a few ways you can help support the health of Alberta’s lakes

  • Leave your shoreline and vegetation in its natural condition. 

  • Plant native plants and shrubs where shorelines have been cleared

  • Do NOT use fertilizers near the shoreline, or opt for organic and avoid the shoreline.

  • Use environmentally friendly products whenever possible.

  • Compost or mulch yard waste to keep it out of waterways.

  • Prevent soil erosion by landscaping to minimize run-off.

  • Prevent leaks from vehicles by performing regular maintenance.

  • Dispose of your hazardous materials, such as used batteries and motor oil, at the proper collection facilities.

  • Don’t dump materials down the storm drains – they flow straight into the river.

  • If you have livestock, ensure the proper management of their waste.

  • Clean up after your pets!

  • Take part in citizen’s groups to protect the watershed.  

Keeping up on the water

  • Keep your motorized water sports away from the shore, this way you can prevent erosion and protect wildlife.

  • Keep music and boat noise to a minimum

  • Obey the law and abide by regulated boat speed limits.

  • Dispose of waste properly. If you own an ice fishing hut, make sure you remove it at the season’s end.

  • Wash vehicles at designated wash stations, far away from the lake!  

Many of Central Alberta’s lakes tend to be shallow, warm, alkaline and support many aquatic plants and animals. They have naturally high levels of nutrients, like nitrogen and phosphorus. This can be beneficial for fish species, but high enough levels can negatively impact water health, causing issues like the bloom of harmful blue-green algal (or cyanobacterial). They can produce dangerous toxins that can make people and animals very sick and create dead zones in the water.


While these blooms can happen naturally, they can also be induced. Pollutants from runoff, fertilized yards and golf courses, road wash, pet waste, and decomposing plant material like leaves and grass clippings can contribute to nutrient imbalances in the water. Which, in turn, can increase the likelihood of these dangerous and toxic blooms. 


Protecting Alberta’s waters is something that has far reaching benefits for everyone, the environment and the wildlife living in it. If we all want to enjoy the benefits of Alberta’s beautiful lakes and streams, it’s high-time we band together to make sure they’re preserved and healthy. 


Get educated, get involved, and let’s protect Alberta’s waters together! 

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